101 Ways to be Really Happy: Step #21 Give Happy

sadaf“To get happy, you have to give happy!” so says my delightful friend and Angel on Earth, Sadaf (center left).

Sadaf’s mission in life is to make other people happy. She always has a kind word, a birthday gift, a smile, a word of encouragement, or a favor out of the blue for friends and complete strangers alike. I’ve never known anyone whose life wasn’t improved by knowing her. What a wonderful epitaph!

Think about the people you know in your life. What do they need to be happier? What can you do about it? Granted, no one can make you happy but yourself. But we can certainly help pave the way for others with our random acts of kindness. And, speaking of random, what could you do for the next complete strange whom your path crosses? Sometimes just a smile and Hello can change someone else’s day.

Try it.

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