101 Ways to Be Really Happy: Step # 63– Don’t Think Too Much

This step comes from my oldest and dearest friend who used to tell me all the time, “Don’t think too much.” It’s true. You can run into analysis paralysis by mulling things over and over and over. My best advice when you have a complicate decision to make: Sleep on it or go and do … More 101 Ways to Be Really Happy: Step # 63– Don’t Think Too Much

ABCs of Hypnosis: Open your mind, open your heart

One of my absolute favorite hypnosis books is called Hypnotherapy For Health, Harmony, And Peak Performance: Expanding The Goals Of Psychotherapy, by Havens and Walters. I love using the scripts in this book (or a variation thereof) for a wide range of issues. One group of scripts, in the peak performance book, is for increasing … More ABCs of Hypnosis: Open your mind, open your heart

Mental Yoga Week 44: “Discover Your Animal Guide(s)”

Wow! It’s been a long time since I posted. Life happens. Since I last posted, I’ve gone to work for a great company called Medtronic. I still have my hypnosis practice, but, as many small business people are discovering, the pace has slowed. Besides, it’s really time for me to be thinking about retirement and … More Mental Yoga Week 44: “Discover Your Animal Guide(s)”

Mental Yoga Week #33: Reinvent Yourself

I don’t know how many of you got the opportunity to watch Oprah’s Master Class, but you need to do it.  Part One was on yesterday.  Here is a link to the official Master Class website: http://www.oprah.com/own-master-class-the-lessons/master-class-the-lessons-home.html I’m going to be doing the lessons one-a-week, so I’m including them in the Mental Yoga series.  I started … More Mental Yoga Week #33: Reinvent Yourself

Mental Yoga Week #2 Take a Different Route to Work

One of the questions on the test, “Are you an Entrepreneur?” asks:  Do you frequently take different routes to work?  “Yes” is the entrepreneur’s answer.  Since I have always been one, I can tell you:  We hate doing the same things over and over.  Monotony kills the creative drive. In fact, taking different routes is … More Mental Yoga Week #2 Take a Different Route to Work

“Exercise #2 for Increasing Flow: Virtual Walk in the Forest”

The following is an abbreviated version of one of my hypnosis scripts.  Make a recording of it for yourself and practice using it to go into flow.  Feel free to change some of the wording if it doesn’t feel right to you.  Once you’ve done this session for a few weeks, try an actual walk … More “Exercise #2 for Increasing Flow: Virtual Walk in the Forest”

“Sixty Days of Mind Power Techniques” # 25

This technique actually came from the polarity therapist in our office, Christine Collings. You can email her at chrisspiral@yahoo.com. She has a new website which I will list here soon. Check in with your higher self or spirit guides (whichever you want to call them) every morning when you wake up. Christine does it by … More “Sixty Days of Mind Power Techniques” # 25